SGC Dialing Computer – DHD
A highly detailed animated DHD based on Stargate SG-1 SGC’s.
Features :
- Partial Mesh
- Full Compatible with ASN stargates
- Animated dialing sequence
- Interractive keyboard
- Stargate favorites addressbook
- Code 9 and power system (compatible with our Power source systems)
- Low script count and land impact
- Toggable screen frame parts and color changeable
How to use :
Only the DHD keyboard is really necessary for everything to work, all 4 screens can be rezzed multiple times if wanted and independant.
The keyboard contains a user list, which acts as an access list to activate the Iris and Code 9 but also access the DHD’s settings.
To dial a random gate address you can simply click on the origin symbol on the Enter Key.
The Reset (Backspace key) button acts as a Gate shutdown when the gate is open, but it can’t close the gate during an incoming.
To display the numbers instead of the glyphs to simplify manual dialing you can click on the Escape or Tidle key.
Use channel 8 to chat through the gate radio : /8 say something
You can Toggle/Hide the screen feet or complete frame, just hold your click for 1 second on the screen and release, you’ll get a special menu in order to switch on/off them.
In that menu you can also choose to change the frame color, it will prompt with a text box where you’ll need to write a color code in vector format. ie: <1,1,0.5>
You can write “default” in that textbox to return to the original color.
List management :
The list can be synced with the Stargate AIO both ways, adding users to one will update the other if the option is enabled in the AIO.
When going into the “Manage Lists” option in the settings you’ll find these options:
- NearbyAV
- Scans the sim and shows a list of avatars around, after selecting one of them, they’ll be added access list if they are not present and removed if they are.
- Gate History
- Show the last incoming and last outgoing gate names, when selected, the gate will be added to the favorites, or removed if already present.
- Manual
In the text box, or in chat in specified channel you can type the following com
add-user:vala.avro | Adds a single user to the user list |
remote-user:stephen.dark | Remove a single user to the user list |
add-favs:eternal calm | Adds a single favorite item in the address book |
remove-favs:eternal calm | Remove a single favorite item in the address book |
add-user:user1,user2,user3 | All commands can accept a list of users/address to add or remove using commas to seperate each items. |
DHD Settings :
- CallBack (dials back last incoming)
- Redial (dials again last outgoing)
- Favorites (favorite gate list)
- Help (load this webpage)
- Settings
- Manage Lists (see List Management above)
- User List (outputs the current user list)
- Radio (switch on and off the Stargate radio)
- Sounds (toggle alarm sounds emitters)
- Speed Dial (switch dial speed for dialing)
- Listen Range (allows you to change the distance on which the screens are reacting to the Stargate, this is helpfull if you have multiple gates in the same region)
- Restart (restart DHD and Screens scripts)
Box content :
- DHD keyboard
- Iris Palm Scanner
- Code 9 Remote Button
- Dialing screen
- Power screen
- Map screen (MALP)
- Address screen

You can buy this build over the Second Life Marketplace or in-world at the Vk Labs vendors.